Whether it is during the Supercross at the Olympic Stadium, the Vélirium at Mont-Sainte-Anne or the Festival d’été de Québec, it is impossible not to notice the signage on the site of these events. Some banners cover fences that delimit courses of several tens or hundreds of meters. They are mostly captured by cameras at any time as the action unfolds.
These events are expensive to finance. Their sponsors therefore necessarily want their logo to appear on the display on the site, in exchange for monetary compensation. As these events are highly publicized, the location of the banners of these sponsors is strategic and essential. The start and finish banners of the competitions are also very popular, as we can imagine.
The Videotron logo, for example, is present in more than a hundred places on the Supercross site, mainly on the fabric covers of the “Tough Blocks”, foam blocks positioned all along the course to ensure the protection of motocross riders in the event of a fall. There is also Triple Crown Rockstar and Honda which are well represented in the display of this event.

The Mercedes-Benz logo is visible at about fifty places on Mont-Ste-Anne during the Vélirium, being the main sponsor. In this case, Mercedes has chosen to literally “paper” the fences along the very sharp curves or the fences before the “Big Jump” with banners, knowing that the cameras are installed in these places to capture the athlete cyclists during the descent of the mountain extreme. The Vélirium welcomes technical teams from more than twenty major sports channels from all over the world to cover this extreme sports event.
As for the Festival d’été de Québec, it is mainly Québec City and Bell who are the main supporters of the event. The display on the site is mainly directional, except for the façade of the stage roof, which is electronic and displays the Bell logo and the name “Festival d’été de Québec” on a lighted panel.
In addition to the sponsors present in the display of the events, there is also directional content (to direct visitors to the stage, the toilets, the entrance or the exit for example, or even the locations for the media and the VIPs), and also promotional (event name, dates, website, etc.).