Large format printing
Large Format Printing: Endless Possibilities for Bespoke Projects
In large format display, the mandates very often turn out to be tailor-made projects, one of a kind. For example, M&M Graphic’s

Large format printing
Supply Challenges in the Large Format Display Industry
Procurement is an area that requires surrounding oneself with reliable and consistent suppliers. This is true for the large format display industry as everywhere else.

Large format printing
Directional signage on a festival site: a major challenge
On the premises of an event, apart from the large sponsor banners, there are directional banners. These are the ones that display the location of

Large format printing
Event signage: under the banner of major sponsorships
Whether it is during the Supercross at the Olympic Stadium, the Vélirium at Mont-Sainte-Anne or the Festival d’été de Québec, it is

Large format printing
Giant advertising is needed in cities
For work or in our leisure time, some people spend several hours a day in the car. Whether it’s to meet clients on the

Large format printing
The impact of large format display
Large format displays have always occupied an important place in our environment: urban environments, museums, outdoor or indoor shows, department stores and highway signs are

Large format printing
Large format display
Large format display demystified Everyone is familiar with printing on paper, from magazines, newspapers, textbooks or even novels, for example. Other types of printing apply