Large format displays have always occupied an important place in our environment: urban environments, museums, outdoor or indoor shows, department stores and highway signs are just a few examples. During shows or large-scale events, the display often takes on gigantic proportions. In public transport, you sometimes see buses transformed into moving posters.
Those who had the chance to live the Illumi experience in Laval during winter were able to experience the sensation of wonder when one is immersed in an imaginary world where everything occupies immense proportions. Characters, animals and buildings are created from metal structures over twenty feet, covered with LED lighting of all colors. In several places on the site, there are giant banners of 20 feet by 60 feet that cover surfaces formed by several containers stacked on top of each other to form the walls of the “streets” of the city Illumi. To orient oneself in the different paths and “districts” of the site, square columns are positioned in different strategic places, identified by the names of the thematic zones, which can also be found on the directional map of the place. Signage is finely tuned.

In the entertainment industry, one can easily imagine the large banners that cover the front of the stages, the 40-by-30-foot background banners, whether at Cavalia, Osheaga, the Francofolies, the Festival international de Jazz de Montréal, at Igloofest or at the Montréal en lumière festival. Huge visuals dominate the landscape; the message is impactful, whether it’s the name of the event, the sponsor’s logo or a brightly colored image that totally grabs the attention.

Everyone marvels at a mural that covers an entire building wall. In the past, before large format printing was possible, artists were hired for several days, sometimes even weeks, to hand-paint a thematic fresco, a slogan, a message. All large advertisements before the 1980s, on buildings or billboards, were “works of art”. It was often paint deposited with a brush on surfaces such as wood, aluminum or brick walls.
Today, technology has no limits. You can print a 10 foot by 40 foot banner in less than an hour. It is dry and ready for finishing when it comes out of the press. Large format billboard suppliers can therefore serve customers with increasingly shorter lead times. And event project managers know it.
There is therefore no longer any reason to deprive yourself of it to ensure a real impact on your events or on your advertising strategies.