Among the major events to which M&M Graphic is privileged to provide signage is the Supercross MTL. The last two editions took place in 2018 and 2019 at the Olympic Stadium in Montreal. As the printing is done on behalf of the Gestev agency and it is their team that is responsible for the organization of the event, M&M produced all the banners, flags and covers for the Tough Blocks which are installed on site.

On these occasions, display was important. As it was a highly publicized event and by a team from the United States, Jetwerx International, the banners produced were enormous in order to show the cameras the logos of the various sponsors. The main ones were Videotron, Honda and Triple Crown Rock Star Energy.
The most important banners were obviously those of the start and finish arches, which were called “Start” and “Finish”. These are the banners that were the most captured by the cameras, in order to show the departures and arrivals of the motocross athletes. The most impressive moment of the race being that of the winner who arrives almost flying after taking a bump at high speed in order to propel himself into the air as he crosses the finish arch. Sensational effect guaranteed!

Next is the display that covers the entire fence that surrounds the stadium’s central pitch, featuring the sand dunes and where the running track is. These banners are produced in sections of ten or twenty feet in length and approximately four feet in height. In 2018, the graphics were standardized as follows: black background for all display of banners with sponsor logos in official colors.
As for the last type of display, these are the covers that covered the Tough Blocks, these foam blocks that are present everywhere on the course of the track during the Supercross MTL. These have a dual function: to help protect athletes if they fall during the race and, at the same time, to promote sponsors. The covers of the Tough Blocks were printed in the colors of the sponsors, so Videotron in black on a yellow background, Honda in white on a red background and Triple Crown with its original colors on a black background.
It is the team of project managers at M&M Graphic who developed their manufacture. There were two formats required by Gestev: 6′ x 2′ x 2′ and 3′ x 2′ x 2′. Covers were printed and then sewn much like tablecloths with a “box” finish. Then the sewing team added an elastic band at the bottom of the canvas so that the covers held well on the foam block in all circumstances.
Let’s face it, there was a lot of action on the site during the event. If an athlete were to fall on a block of foam or throw it away from the circuit with their machine in the heat of the action, it was necessary to ensure that the covers held securely in place. Visibility of the sponsors obliges!